Worcester, Mass. on Pothole Patrol

Fluctuating temperatures are causing many holes to pop up in city’s roadways

(NECN: Kristen Carosa) - Abdul Mehdi drives around Worcester, Mass. for a living.

The Worcester Red Cab driver says the number of potholes has him driving really slow on city streets.

Rick Ramstrom of Ramstrom's Service Center says the damage has already started rolling into his auto body shop in Worcester.

Mechanics there know that the weather is to blame for the increase in business.

The city of Worcester has one crew out now filling up potholes. According to the Department of Public Works, it's usually worse in the spring, but there are more out there now than usual.

The city is asking all residents to report any potholes they see, even if they are minor.

Ramstrom says he hit one over the weekend. He says he expects many more pothole-damaged vehicles in the coming months.

Mehdi says he'll continue to dodge them the best he can to keep his cab out of the shop.

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