Bringing Back The 70s

Despite the sun, temperatures struggled all afternoon across New England. 50s and low 60s were all we could muster with a stiff north wind that turned onshore.

As high pressure moves offshore tomorrow, the winds turn to the southwest and warm us well into the 70s. High clouds will be on the increase, but we're warding off the sea breezes, which makes a huge (or is it "uuuge?") difference.

More in the way of clouds on Friday, but the air will be charged with humidity. That keeps the morning low temperatures on the mild side, and gives us a springboard for another surge into the 70s - possible even near 80 in a few spots.

Cool front moving through on Friday will fire off a few storms. These should form in the early afternoon in Western New England, then move east in the evening. As with most cool fronts in the warm season, the storms may run out of gas as they enter Eastern New England, so I'm not making many promises for a soaking rain just yet.

Better chance next week with a couple of speedy weather systems on Monday and Tuesday. All day rains could be on order as we sit on the cool side of a stalled front. That should put a dent in the pollen and quiet the ongoing brush fire threat.

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