
Lowell Hit With Cyber Attack, Some Data Released to Dark Web: Report

Some of the data stolen has apparently been released on the dark web, according to the Lowell Sun

NBC Universal, Inc.

Five gigabytes of data that was apparently stolen from the City of Lowell, Massachusetts, has reportedly been posted to the dark web by the ransomware group that claimed responsibility for last month's breach, according to The Lowell Sun.

The ransomware group — Play — reportedly took responsibility for the cyber breach on April 24, and has since released some of the data that was stolen onto the dark web, according to the Sun.

The news outlet reports that a newsfeed by the hackers said that the data is "private and personal confidential data, finance, taxes, clients and employee information. For now partially published compressed 5gb. If there is no reaction full dump will be uploaded.”

NBC10 Boston is scheduled to speak a Lowell city councilor as well as a technology expert to learn more about the situation.

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