Man who lived at Mass. day care arrested over child sex images

Juan Levano rented a room at a residence in West Bridgewater that was licensed as a day care, though both he and the residence's owner denied that he worked there or had access to any of the children who attend, prosecutors said

NBC Universal, Inc.

A man who rented a room at a West Bridgewater home that also serves as a day care was arrested after authorities say they found child sex abuse images on his phone.

Investigators found more than 100 images and videos apparently depicting child sex abuse on the phone of a man who lived at a registered Massachusetts day care facility, federal prosecutors said Thursday.

Jaun Levano, a 23-year-old living in West Bridgewater, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of receiving child pornography, the office of the U.S. attorney for Massachusetts. He was allegedly part of group chats where child sex images were shared.

Levano rented a room at a residence in West Bridgewater that was licensed as a day care, though both he and the residence's owner denied that he worked there or had access to any of the children who attend, prosecutors said. They didn't identify the day care.

Investigators began looking into Levano through an investigation into a communication app used to share child pornography, prosecutors said. They obtained search warrants for his residence and seized devices that allegedly had over 100 videos and images of child sex abuse, as well as evidence he was active on the group chats.

Levano appeared in Boston's federal court Wednesday and remained in custody Thursday, prosecutors said. It wasn't immediately clear if he had an attorney who could speak to the charge, which carries a sentence of 5-20 years in prison.

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