Man, 89, Killed by Snow Plow

Neighbors said they’ve seen many serious accidents in that area over the years

Just out for a walk around his Reading, Massachusetts neighborhood Monday afternoon, 89-year-old Jacob Goldberg was struck and killed by a town sidewalk plow near the corner of Lowell and Bond Streets.

Just out for a walk around his Reading, Massachusetts neighborhood Monday afternoon, 89-year-old Jacob Goldberg was struck and killed by a town sidewalk plow near the corner of Lowell and Bond Streets.

The retired teacher leaves behind his children, grandchildren and his wife of 62 years.

Neighbor Terry Hale said while getting choked up, "You certainly think how unpredictable things can be, it was upsetting."

Neighbor Jim Kyle said, "He was a good neighbor, good guy, he was a school teacher and it's too bad."

Pretty much the entire neighborhood seemed to know Goldberg, or at least would see him out and about, waiving hello.

Neighbor Richard Freeman said, "After he retired I believe he did a lot of walking and he was a good man, I ran into him several times, I used to go to the same church that he did at the time and the Mrs. many years ago."

As police and the DA's office continue to investigate what caused the accident, residents are hopeful something can be done about the blind corner here where they say several accidents have occurred over the years.

Kyle said, "That's a dangerous spot, a couple of years ago two people were killed."

Freeman said, "I've seen a lot of accidents over the years."

Hale said, "I just couldn't imagine how something like that could happen."

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