Family Searching for Soldier Whose Letters Turned up in New England Antique Store

A trip to an antique store in New Hampshire has a family trying to track down the relatives of a soldier whose letters from war ended up in their bag.

A trip to an antique store in New Hampshire has a Rhode Island family trying to track down the relatives of a soldier whose letters from war ended up in their bag.

The letters and pictures were found in a military bag at Arnold Antiques in Woodstock, New Hampshire, over the weekend that fascinated 9-year-old Nicholas Williams.

"When I opened it and saw the military hats inside, that’s when I really wanted it," Nicholas Williams said. "I really like military things."

The store owner did not know how the bag ended up there, and let the Williams family of Johnston, Rhode Island, take it with the promise that they would try and track the soldier down.

"I always believe in paying it forward and I said there’s going to be someone out there that could possibly help," Patty Williams said.

Patty Williams posted a plea on Facebook that included details about what was found in the bag.

One of the hats says Newmarket, New Hampshire on the side. The names Frank O’Harvey and Edward Johnston are both listed on envelopes, along with addresses in Haverhill, Massachusetts. The letters are signed by a soldier named Charles, and almost all of them were written in 1942, leading the Williams family to believe he served in World War II.

If they find the owner, or any of his relatives, the family said they will happily hand over the bag and the history within it.

"I need to prove to my children that in this crazy world we live in and all the violence that surrounds us that there are some good people in this world that are willing to help," Williams said in her Facebook post.

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