Finishing Touches at the Boston Marathon Finish Line

Days before the Boston Marathon, organizers are preparing for the race.

On Marathon Monday, people will flock to Boylston Street in Boston, ready to watch runners cross the finish line.

"It's awesome to be here, its a lively city and I'm excited," said Melissa Brown, a runner from of Portland, Oregon.

One store expecting a lot of business is the new Adidas Runbase. It's expected to become a hub where runners can train and purchase gear for Monday.

"Its absolutely amazing," said Scottie Hend, also from Portland. "We've been to the Adidas Campus in Portland, this - bar none - is pretty impressive!"

As workers continue setting up near the finish line, businesses prepare for the packed crowds. Bars lining Boylston Street are expecting an economic boom. Workers at Max Brenner say they've had to increase their alcohol supply so they won't run out.

"We have to make sure we're staffed correctly and we have to usually get an extra person for crowd control, because we have a lot of people especially with the patio opened," said manager Gullenda Loum.

Loum says she's worked Marathon Monday for the past four years. It's a busy day for the business, but she says she enjoys the positive atmosphere.

Workers say Max Brenner will open at 9 a.m. and is expected to be packed until they close.

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