Hillary Clinton Looks Beyond Super Tuesday

Volunteers are working the phones inside the Hillary for Massachusetts Boston office. With just one week until super Tuesday, the Clinton campaign has set up seven offices around the state.

Clinton spokesperson Harrell Kirstein says the offices provide a central location for Clinton volunteers to use as their base of organization.

Door knockers and leafleters have also been gathering at house parties including one Sunday, in Newton.

Clinton may not be feeling giant arenas like her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, but the campaign has tapped into the Clinton grassroots infrastructure which has deep roots in Massachusetts. And perhaps more importantly the campaign has done The math, a complicated formula of state by state delegate allotment which some experts say could effectively and the race for Sanders after super Tuesday. That's because Clinton is expected to do particularly well among black and Hispanic voters in the six southern super Tuesday states.

Bernie Sanders says, "Am I behind with African-Americans? Yes. But we are making progress and we continue to make progress.

The Sanders campaign says naysayers should note they are outspending Clinton in several key states and they believe Clinton's email controversy could create setbacks for her along the way.

Sanders described the months ahead as a "state-by-state slog."

Still, there is a quiet confidence among Clinton supporters, that after a rocky start, all of this will work out in her favor in the end.

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