New Englanders Hit the Road for Labor Day Weekend reports that for the first time in a decade, the average price for a gallon of gas Labor Day weekend is $2.50.

"If you don't time it right, you could be sitting in a lot of traffic," said Mark Aylward of Bourne.

But mid-Friday morning, that wasn't the case as the Labor Day weekend began on Cape Cod. It was slow moving across the Bourne Bridge but not the usual traffic jam.

And low gas prices have people smiling. reports that for the first time in a decade, the average price for a gallon of gas Labor Day weekend is $2.50.

"Not bad at all! Nice for a change, said Aylward.

This is all good news to the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. The chambers' CEO is looking forward to a busy end of summer weekend, after an unusual start.

"We sort of had a late start to the summer because kids didn't get out of school until late because of the snow," said Wendy Northcross, CEO Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce. "But it created some pent-up demand. So once school is out people were here in droves, they had phenomenal weather. And our members are telling us they had in some cases double digits increases over last year."

"Love it, love it, good weather supposedly not a lot of traffic and a lot of people just how I like it," said Tony Patane of Danbury, Connecticut.

He and his family just arrived to Hyannis to start their long weekend. They're taking in every last bit of the summer season, because as New Englanders,they know what's right around the corner.

Patane says he's getting nervous for winter. "I'm seeing memes like, on the internet saying 13 weeks, this is coming and a blizzard -cars are buried in snow- and I'm like, OK I'll hold off on that let's enjoy the summer little bit longer."

Wendy Northcross says Columbus Day is actually the new Labor Day- there are still plenty of businesses open through early fall. 

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