Northbridge Fire Kills Young Couple

A fire in Northbridge, Massachusetts, killed a young couple on Saturday morning.

A fire in Northbridge, Massachusetts, killed a young couple on Saturday morning.

Nicole Lavallee and Jordann Fontaine were not able to get out of their apartment unit in time. Firefighters say there were no working smoke detectors in the womens' apartment on Border Street.

Fontaine's family was preparing to celebrate her younger brother's birthday -- when they got the news.

"He gained a guardian angel on his birthday. She'll always be there to look after him," Fontaine's aunt, Michelle Morin said.

Fontaine's grandmother, Pauline LeBlanc added, "She was a beautiful, beautiful girl."

Fontaine was a 22-year-old nurse's aide who had plans to become a registered nurse.

Lavalle, also 22-years-old, was a talented musician with a passion for teaching others how to play the guitar.

"That was Nicole's dream - for every child to play the guitar," said family-friend, Carrie Hendee.

Lavalle's family plans on raising money to buy guitars to donate to a local youth center. Fontaine's family has a GoFundMe page to help cover burial costs.

The investigation into what caused this devastating fire continues. The fire marshal's office says there is no reason to believe the cause of the fire is suspicious.

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