Snow Strands Motorists in Western Massachusetts

As snow fell in parts of Western Massachusetts on Sunday, some motorists found themselves stranded in Lee.

As snow fell in parts of Western Massachusetts on Sunday, some motorists found themselves stranded in Lee.

The Davis' were supposed to be on their way back to Cazenovia, New York, until mother nature decided they needed a detour dropping inches of snow on the Mass Pike.

"One person definitely did a 360 into the guard rail," said Sandy Davis. "A lot of people were pulled over. We thought it was the safer course of action to stay here for the night."

Late into Sunday night, about seven inches of snow fell outside of the Lee Police Department.

Strong wings whipped up the falling flakes causing tough travel conditions.

"On Route 7, there's a spot where all the snow blew off at once and it was like a whiteout and you couldn't see," said Chris Johnston.

The short-lived whiteout couldn't cancel their family plans for a dinner out.

"I actually love it that we have snow today," said Veronica Johnston.

Road crews in Lee say they first salted the roads in the morning before the first flake fell. They then went home for a break, preparing for the incoming snowfall.

Once the snow was coming down, they went back to their routine of salting.

Their challenge continues overnight as they work to keep the roads from freezing for the rush hour drive.

"We don't like it," said Amy Wild barely visible wrapped in her winter coat. "We want to move to California."

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