Two Years After Manhunt, Watertown Reacts to Tsarnaev Death Sentence

Teri Phipps has replaced siding on her home damaged by shrapnel from one of the pressure cooker bombs that went off feet away from her home in Watertown, Massachusetts. Even though it was two years ago, the shootout on her street is still fresh in her memory.

"I started hearing 'Pop-pop-pop.' I got up, looked out the window, saw what was going on and was terrified," she said.

The shooting and commotion led to the arrest of Dhozkar Tsarnaev. Unanoumisly on Friday, a jury found it justifiable to sentence Tsarnaev to death for his role in the Boston Marathon bombings.

"I think it was the right decision, but I think the process is going to take too long and keep fresh, in the memories of the families, what happened," said Phipps. "I don't think that's fair for them."

"They've got to live with that, and they know every day this happened at the marathon," said Loretta Kehayias. "That's sad. I think that's a sad situation."

Kehayias still has the bullet holes in her home from the shootout. Every time she looks out her window, she remembers ducking for cover just hours after returning home from vacation.

"He just showed no emotion whatsoever," said Kehayias. "I was waiting for him, all this time, to just cry once, or say I'm sorry, mimic the words - he just didn't."

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