Multi-Pronged Storm

Rain with some snow in higher elevations by late morning, afternoon. Temperatures in the 40s.

We have a lot more than we bargained for on the way tomorrow and Friday. What initially looked like a straight rain and high elevation snow event now has evolved into...

A heavy rain event...

A heavy snow event...

And a strong wind event.

Rest assured, it's not the same everywhere. We certainly have all the bases covered in terms of weather variety though. Let's start where we always do... from the top.

Snow/mix and rain will sweep in by mid-morning tomorrow in Western New England. As that shield of precipitation moves east through the early/mid afternoon, there will still be enough cold air in place to see some flakes fly along the 495 belt and into Southern NH. Along the coast, winds stirring from the east should boost us into the mid-40s, so we're not concerned about any mix/snow in Boston, Portsmouth or Portland.

Rain cranks up in concert with the storm Thursday night, with heavy bursts into the wee hours. Winds will also speed up along the coast, Cape and Islands where gusts may hit 40+. Elsewhere, the wind should be light...a testament to the ability of cold air to stabilize the low levels of the atmosphere.

As the storm moves into the Gulf of Maine, the cold air will rush back to Central Maine and switch the rain to snow...but just at the tail end. Some slushy accumulation is likely in Central and Interior Southern Maine Friday afternoon.

Meantime, where it will stay mostly snow in the mountains of Northern New England, the snow will pile up. 6-10 inches is possible above 1000 feet! Nice helping hand from Mother Nature to hasten the openings at a few resorts.

Storm wraps on Friday night and we settle back for a quieter - and more temperate - weekend. At this point, Halloween also looks like a winner. Longer range, some warmth may sneak back into the picture next week.

Updates and snowfall maps will be found here. Check back often!

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