Petition Wants Barbershops, Salons to Reopen, Allowing One Client at a Time

Salons are considered a non-essential business and were forced to close on March 24

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Thousands of people have signed a petition calling on Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker to allow licensed cosmetologists, barbershop and beauty professionals to provide services during the coronavirus pandemic. 

The petition urges Baker to allow those businesses to open their doors and provide haircuts and other services, one client at a time.

“Our industry needs to be recognized and deemed as an essential business so we can better serve our community,” wrote Dawn Desrosiers, who started the petition.

Hair salons are not considered an essential business in Massachusetts and were forced to close to the public on March 24. Baker extended the non-essential business closure until May 4 earlier this month.  

"The survival of independent beauty professionals is at risk. We are facing a huge financial hardship," Desrosiers added.

In the first week of April, 139,582 people filed for unemployment in the Bay State.

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