Poll: Majority Oppose Boston Hosting Olympics

A survey of 504 registered voters in the Boston area finds just 36% favor the idea, according to WBUR

A new poll released by WBUR finds the majority of those surveyed oppose the idea of Boston hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics. 

A survey of 504 registered voters in the Boston area found that just 36 percent favor the idea, while 52 percent oppose it.

A poll conducted by WBUR in February found that 44 percent were in favor, while a poll conducted in January found 51 percent in favor. 

For complete poll results, click here.

The IOC is expected in 2017 to name a host city for the 2024 Summer Games. Boston has been selected as the American bid city by the U.S. Olympic Committee and likely will compete with several international entrants, including Rome and Hamburg, Germany. 

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