Practical ‘right now' tips to kickstart your 2024 health goals

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Here are some ways to ensure you’re keeping your ‘new year, new me’ resolutions.

We're halfway through January which means we should be two weeks strong on those new year's resolutions, right?

Well chances are, life has already gotten in the way of those self-promises; especially one of the most popular,  improving your overall health.

Because of this, Felita Morrison, a Quincy-based personal trainer is offering three, realistic and effective things anyone can start today, to kickstart their journey.

Never Grocery shop hungry.

That may sound easy, until you get back from the office and you’re craving the donuts they brought to the staff meeting, or you get invited to dinner and now you want to replicate the chicken alfredo you just had.

But Morrison cautions you to ignore your temporary cravings and stick to the script, which leads into her second suggestion.

Shop the outer perimeter of the grocery store.

“What’s in the outer perimeter?... All your veggies, produce and your meats. The inner perimeter is all your processed foods”, says Morrison.

 No, the entire inner portion of your favorite grocer isn’t all bad. However, she highlights that the perimeter is home to the majority of natural, whole foods your body can process with recognizable ingredients.

“If you can’t pronounce it and you don’t know what it is, so you need to look in a webster, that’s a problem!” she says.

So, now you’re home staring at the healthy food you just bought. Do you jump head first into a marathon of restriction?

The answer is no. According to Morrison, and virtually every health expert – you should crawl before you walk. 

So instead of committing to seven straight days of eating the opposite of your regular habits, she says allow one moderate cheat meal, rather than a cheat day.

“You know what, I am going to commit to my breakfast and my lunch being healthy,” says Morrison “That is a small start.”

Finally, and brace yourself:

Cut back on alcohol

Remember, you’re not going cold turkey. If you still want a cocktail or an alcoholic drink, she says to scale back incrementally. That change alone will make a difference. “Have one glass of wine and two glasses of water,” Morrison adds.

She reminders her clients that the overconsumption of alcohol mixed into other sugary drinks, gives you little nutrients and a lot of calories which won’t help inspire you to move your body; doing the opposite and making you feel lethargic or tired.

“100% give yourself grace. Remember, you’re going to have temptations. It’s ok. You’ll get there,” Morrison says.

You can find Felita Morrison on Instagram @felita_fitandhealthy.

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