Town's Plow Truck Fleet Destroyed in Fire Before Storm

A fire destroyed an entire fleet of plows in Henniker, New Hampshire, one day before a foot of snow is expected to fall in the region.

A collapsed roof and multiple charred plow trucks are what's left after a fire destroyed a New Hampshire town's public works building.

"For a moment, we thought about trying to get the trucks out of there, but the smoke was too heavy in the building, said Henniker Fire Chief Steve Burrit. "It was too dangerous to go in there and try and remove the trucks."

Only three pieces of equipment were salvaged. To make matters worse, the town is expecting more snow to cover their 85 miles of roadway.

But Town Administrator Christine Trovato says assistance came almost instantly.

"Hopkington, Hillsborough, the town of Ware, Bradford, the state," she listed. "They've all offered equipment to help."

After town officials held a meeting, more helpings hands came to offer their plows to keep Henniker functioning.

"Henniker will rise to this challenge and ultimately solve it," said resident John Dur.

Town officials are still investigating the cause of this fire. The extent of damage is not known, but all of the equipment was insured.

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