
Turkey Crashes Through Window of Vet Tech's Leominster Home

A turkey made itself at home in Sara McCarrey's dining room after smashing a window

NBC Universal, Inc.

A turkey crash-landed into a family’s home in Leominster.

A Massachusetts woman went into her dining room to find a turkey that had crashed through her window.

"I heard a really big crash," said Sara McCarrey of Leominster. "It broke a lot of glass."

That crash was a wild turkey that smashed through a window Tuesday in McCarrey's home downtown.

"I guess it just flew through the window and crashed into the dog, almost," she said.

McCarrey captured photos of the turkey standing on a window seat in her home with broken glass everywhere.

"I had no clue what it was. I ran downstairs," she said. "My 13-year-old daughter was actually walking through the dining room at the time."

She happens to work with animals.

"I'm usually the one they go to for animals," she said. "I'm actually a vet tech, so I was the one who was going to have to wrangle this thing out of there."

But McCarrey says this was a first for her.

"I used to do wildlife rescues back in illinois," she said. "I'm from the Midwest, so I've never really dealt with turkeys."

Massachusetts Wildlife says turkeys may act aggressively toward shiny objects like windows because they see their own reflection.

Thursday, McCarrey's window was finally repaired.

"He was really quite calm, wanting to peck his way out," she said.

The turkey only left a couple drops of blood, and they were able to shoo him out another window with a screen before he hopped out and ran down the driveway.

She hasn't seen the turkey since.

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