
Vermont sues Monsanto after discovery of PCBs in schools

In 2021 the state passed a bill creating a program to test indoor air for PCBs in schools constructed or renovated before 1980

Vermont's attorney general intends to file a lawsuit against Monsanto, the agrochemical corporation, on grounds of inflicting harm upon the state's natural resources and educational institutions, according to NBC affiliate WPTZ.

This lawsuit holds significance as it marks Vermont Attorney General Charity Clark's first major legal action since assuming office in November last year.

"Vermont stands as the pioneer state to undertake such a case," said Clark.

The legal complaint asserts that Monsanto was well aware of the hazardous nature of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and deliberately produced and distributed them.

The Attorney General's office has pursued two categories of damages, specifically focusing on the impact on natural resources and local schools.

Currently, WPTZ reports that 321 schools throughout the state are undergoing PCB testing. In 2021 the state passed a bill creating a program to test indoor air for PCBs in schools constructed or renovated before 1980.

"In our formal complaint, we draw upon internal Monsanto documents wherein the company cautioned its employees against consuming meals on the PCB manufacturing premises due to the acknowledged toxicity of PCBs, as stated by our own medical director," explained Justin Kolber, head of the Attorney General's Environmental and Public Protection Division.

In response to the lawsuit, a Monsanto spokesperson issued a statement on Monday, stating, "We will thoroughly address the complaint within the court, but we deem it baseless. Monsanto neither produced, utilized, nor disposed of PCBs in Vermont and has abstained from manufacturing such products for over 45 years. The alleged source of impairment claims, purportedly linked to PCB-containing products, were manufactured by third-party entities, not Monsanto."

This legal action follows hot on the heels after the City of Burlington sued Monsanto in December, which ensued after PCBs were discovered during the renovation of Burlington High School, where the Burlington Technical Center is also located.

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