Your Holiday Weekend Weather Forecast

Other than some rain on Friday, the weather looks good

Columbus Day weekend is prime time for fall activities around New England, and overall the weekend weather looks good. The only issue will be some rain on Friday.

Friday will be quite chilly and wet in Northern New England, with periods of rain for much of the day. Highs will only be in the 40s and 50s there. In Southern New England, it will be warmer, courtesy of a gusty southerly wind. Highs reach around 70 as clouds thicken and rain develops.

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Watch for a line of downpours, and even some thunderstorms, to flare up in the Hartford, Providence, Worcester, Boston, and Portland areas between about 3 and 6 p.m. The downpours will linger into the dinner hour for parts of Southern New England, meaning some travel delays are likely for those escaping ahead of the holiday weekend.

Sharply cooler air arrives for Saturday. We'll see high temperatures in the 30s and 40s in northern New England, with 50s and low 60s in southern New England. The good news is that winds will be calming down and the sun will return.

Overnight Saturday into very early Sunday, a warm front will move through. That may spark a few light showers or even - dare I say - a few snowflakes in northern Maine.

Otherwise, the rest of us will be dry, bright, and breezy on Sunday, with highs climbing into the 60s.

The warm-up continues into Columbus Day, with more sunshine and highs in the 70s for many.

In terms of foliage, peak conditions are happening right now in the Northern Greens and Northeast Kingdom in Vermont, northern New Hampshire, and parts of northern Maine. Moderate color can be found most everywhere else, aside from low color right near the coast.

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