Boston police

Baby Born at Boston Police Station

Three police officers helped with the delivery of a baby girl outside a Mattapan police station.

It was a special holiday delivery outside of the Boston Police Department station in Mattapan as a baby girl was born with an assist from a few good officers.

Boston Police say that a couple driving down Blue Hill Avenue flagged down three officers who were in the middle of a prisoner transport at the District B-3 Police Station.

Father-to-be, got out of his car and told the three officers that the mom-to-be was having a baby in the car "right now."

"The husband started preparing her for delivery. And then when I saw the baby's head I realized what was going on," said Officer Jose Gomes.

The officers called EMS, but the baby was not waiting and the delivery was done safely at the station.

Today, the officers who helped in the delivery of baby girl Francesca Pierre, visited her and her family who are resting at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

While the officers were happy that everything went as smoothly as possible, given the circumstances, they were quick to give praise to the new mom for keeping her cool.

"We also just want to give credit here to the mom," said Officer Nadia Siconolfi.

"(She) remained just so calm for a first time delivery. And the dad did a fantastic job. He was even given the chance to cut the umbilical cord," Siconolfi continued.

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