Eric Hinton

I Pray ‘No Other Parent Feels This Pain': Morgan Beck Miller on Daughter's Death

The wife of Bode Miller shared her grief in a social media post.

Bode Miller’s wife has spoken out for the first time since her daughter’s death to help raise awareness about child drownings and ensure “no other parent feels this pain.”

Professional beach volleyball player Morgan Beck Miller took to Instagram to express her agony over losing her 19-month-old daughter, Emeline, who drowned after falling into a neighbor’s pool last month.

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“It’s been 37 days since I’ve held my baby girl. I pray to God no other parent feels this pain,” she wrote in the caption of a photo of her daughter.

Miller then named another mother whose son drowned on the very same day as Emeline. The mom, Nicole Hughes, shared her story in an online essay.

“My heart is with you @nicolehughes8 as we walk this journey together. And thank you @scarymommy for helping us spread awareness,” Miller said, reminding parents to keep their eyes on children every time they’re near a pool.

“Drowning is the NUMBER ONE cause of death in children ages 1-4. We talk about vaccinations, car seats, organic foods, screen time, etc at length ... but not the number one risk your childrens’ lives face ... a silent killer,” she wrote. “It takes SECONDS. Please share and help us spread awareness. It’s the first step to preventing these types of tragedies.”

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