climate change

Climate 2023, brought to you by National Grid

Here's a look at what you can do to decrease your carbon footprint

Massachusetts is on the fast track to combat climate change, but did you know what you do in your home every day plays a big role? In 2019 alone, Massachusetts residences were responsible for nearly 14 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

In Climate 2023, a special half-hour presentation, our team of meteorologists digs deep on how you can decrease your carbon footprint in surprising ways, from increasing efficiency in your appliances, to retrofitting your home for energy efficiency with help from the state, to overhauling your grocery list. They also show you the "home of the future," designed to save up to 90% on energy costs.

You can watch the full Climate 2023 special below:

From your electronic devices to the food in your fridge, our First Alert meteorologists dig into ways you can conserve energy, save money, and help lower your carbon footprint in a big way with simple steps. This Climate 2023 special is proudly presented by National Grid.

We have the power to cut down on global warming. In the latest installment of Climate 2023, we take a look at electrification: what it is, how it works and how it can ease reliance on fossil fuels. From electric cars to electrified homes, we explore the changes that must happen to meet decarbonization goals and how they’ll affect the average consumer.

You can watch Climate 2023: The critical importance of electrification below:

We have the power to cut down on global warming. In the latest installment of Climate 2023, we take a look at electrification: what it is, how it works, and how it can ease reliance on fossil fuels. From electric cars to electrified homes, we explore the changes that must happen to meet decarbonization goals and how they’ll affect the average consumer.

Temperatures are dropping and costs are going up to heat your home. In this next edition of Climate 2023, we look at the future -- when and how we will heat our home. Will it cost less? Will it be better for the planet?

You can watch Climate 2023: the future of heat below.

This edition of Climate 2023 looks at how much it will cost to heat your home in the future, and how going green will save you money.

Climate 2023 is proudly brought to you by National Grid.

Did you know there are many things you can do at home to help protect the environment and your wallet? National Grid Vice President of Smart Solutions, Carlos Nouel, introduces ways in which customers can upgrade their appliances at home through the help of National Grid to benefit the environment and modernize their living while saving themselves some money. Are you ready to go green?

Related links:

Mass Save website

Info on recycling refrigerators

Energy Star website

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