
Flurries, Sprinkles, and Pockets of Light Snow Head Our Way

Today (Monday): Mostly cloudy with flurries, light snow north. Highs near 30. Overnight Monday Night: Clouds stick around. Mountain snow showers. Lows near 30, 20s far north. Tomorrow (Tuesday): Start off with some sun before clouds take over. A flurry or two in far northern New England. Highs in the 30s.

A few weak disturbances crossing the sky of New England today and this evening are coupling with milder air moving into the region to produce occasional flurries, sprinkles and pockets of light snow.

Where the temperature is cold enough, predominantly from Northern Massachusetts points northward, the snow will stick enough for some minor accumulation, on the order of a coating for Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts, to an inch for spots farther north and two to three inches in the mountains by dawn Tuesday.

Today and this evening’s snow comes in a transition to milder air that will push at least Southern New England into the 40s by Tuesday afternoon, until a cold front delivers snow squalls to the mountains later Tuesday and colder air for one and all, streaming in Wednesday and holding firm Thursday.

Our next storm system won’t come calling until Friday night and Saturday, and pushes a slug of warmth into New England for mostly raindrops after a possible wintry mix in Northern New England to start. At this point, Christmas Eve day on Sunday looks to be a break in the action for us until our next storm arrives on Christmas.

Our exclusive, in-house computer guidance we’ve built over the last several years shows a very high likelihood of storminess for Christmas Day, but it’s too early to say who gets rain and who gets snow. We’ll keep you posted!

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