
Former Bostonian Spearheading Irma Relief Efforts on St. Thomas

Jason Coscia moved from Boston to St. Thomas just over two years ago. He is spearheading efforts there to raise awareness and money to help with the devastation after Irma. Coscia is also helping to shuttle people in need off the island and boat back supplies. In addition, he’s helping through a website to allow people to post their needs, contact…

On nearly every island in the Caribbean, there is a desperate need for basic survival items: foot, water, power, and medical supplies.

Jason Coscia moved from Boston to St. Thomas just over two years ago. He is spearheading efforts there to raise awareness and money to help with the devastation after Irma. Coscia is also helping to shuttle people in need off the island and boat back supplies.

In addition, he is helping through a website to allow people to post their needs, contact relatives, etc.

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