
Mass. High School Students Disciplined for Offensive Pictures

Two female students at Norwell High School are facing disciplinary action for a picture some are calling racist and antisemitic

A photo posted by a student of Norwell High School has sparked controversy and allegations of racism and antisemitism. 

Norwell High School disciplined two female students after an offensive picture was posted to social media.

The picture has since been taken down, but showed racial slurs and offensive symbols like swastikas on the students’ bodies.

The school said they were disgusted by the actions of the students but are using it as a teaching moment moving forward.

The picture sparked outrage and racked up hundreds of comments in a Norwell community Facebook group called Norwell Social.

“Everyone is just really sad it could happen in our town,” said senior Isabella Smith.

The principal of Norwell High school sent an email reassuring parents they disapproved of the behavior and they were disciplining the students. The email said in part:

“the procedures outlined in the Norwell High School Student-Parent Handbook have been followed to ensure an appropriate response to the exhibited behaviors.”

The superintendent would not comment on the specific disciplinary action taken, but said they were being proactive about the incident.

“We will be contacting the Anti-defamation League and will continue to partner with the ADL and other groups who can help us teach our children that racism and antisemitism are not American values,” said the superintendent.

Norwell students said the two young women accused had been suspended for a period of 20 days.

“I’m not sure it’s enough I wish there was some sort of education program,” said Smith.

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