
Boston Mayor Helps Driver Whose Car Caught Fire

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh helped stop a driver from driving with their car on fire on Interstate 93 southbound Tuesday while on his own way home from the Patriots parade.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh helped stop a driver from driving with their car on fire while on his own way home Tuesday evening after the Patriots parade.

Walsh told reporters that after wrapping up city business, he got on Interstate 93 southbound and happened to notice a nearby car had sparks coming from the front wheel.

He was able to get the driver to pull over and call for emergency services.

The driver "knew something was wrong, he didn't know what it was, I don't think he fully knew the engine started to go on fire," Walsh said on Wednesday.

Walsh waited with the driver until the Boston Fire Department came and extinguished the flames.

"Right place at the right time!" Walsh tweeted in response to the incident. "Thank you for your quick response Boston Fire Department. I'm glad everyone got home safe."

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