Mother Failed to Bring Abused Daughter to Hospital For Treatment: Police

A New Britain mother was arrested Thursday after police said she noticed her 18-month-old daughter bruised and vomiting, but never took the child to the hospital for treatment.

Police interviewed 29-year-old Victoria Krzeminski on Sunday after being contacted by the Department of Children and Families about a possible case of child abuse.

The toddler was at Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford for an unrelated issue when hospital staff noticed bruising on the child's legs, stomach, and back and Krzeminski had no explanation for the injuries, according to police.

As investigators talked to the mother, she told them she noticed the bruising two weeks earlier and even noticed the bruise on her daughter's back got worse, police said. It got so bad that the child began vomiting and was unable to walk, according to police.

Krzeminski told investigators she was afraid to bring her daughter to the hospital because she already had an open case with DCF, police said.

Krzeminski's boyfriend, Dylan Michael Vitale, was arrested on Monday for allegedly causing the injuries to the little girl.

Because authorities said Krzeminski didn't seek immediate care for her daughter, police charged her with cruelty to persons and risk of injury to a minor. She was held on $200,000 and was expected to be in court on Friday.

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