‘Not My President Vigil' Protest in Harvard Square

The protesters said they'll be back weekly to continue the vigil

Dozens attended the “Not My President” vigil in solidarity with immigrants and others affected by the Trump administration’s policies.

Approximately 70 people gathered in Harvard Square to protest President Donald Trump's immigration ban and his election.

The peaceful protest was sponsored by new organization CAST - Cambridge Area Stronger Together - and attracted people from the Boston area as well as some Harvard students.

"When this all goes down in the history books we can tell future generations that we did not support this man and we did our best to fight him," said Mahima Chander, one of the protesters.

The group chose Presidents Day for this protest, calling it the "Not My President" vigil.

At one point, the protesters chanted about Trump, "You're orange, you're gross, you lost the popular vote."

The Harvard Square vigil was one of many similar rallies head aross the country and world on Monday.

"It shows that America won't be divided by him," said protester Kathryn Brudzinski. "It shows that the good people of America stand correct for the American ideals."

CAST says it will continue to protest every Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

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