
Police: Weymouth Toddler Hospitalized After Ingesting Opioid Pill

Police say a 2-year-old girl has been hospitalized in Massachusetts for ingesting a synthetic opioid pill.

Sgt. Rob Regan tells The Patriot Ledger the Weymouth girl's parents saw an open pill bottle containing suboxone near the girl around 1 p.m. Wednesday.

One pill was missing, and Regan says the girl's parents called first responders when she started acting lethargic. The child was still breathing normally when paramedics arrived.

Police say the girl is in stable condition, and she has been taken to Boston Children's Hospital for observation.

Police have ruled the girl's hospitalization accidental. No arrests have been made.

Regan says the Department of Children and Families will be notified.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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