Reddit Had Some Interesting Theories About a Meteor Sighting Over Boston

Members of the Boston-focused corner of Reddit had their own theories of what it might have been

A group people on Boston Reddit had a bit of fun with a local who thought he saw a meteor fly above the city.

User magiccheese posted in the online forum asking if anyone else had seen a green fireball fly over Boston.

Members of the Boston-focused corner of Reddit had their own theories of what it might have been.

Theories ranged from absurd, such as flatulence, to the forum's personal frustration with the recent performance of the Boston Bruins.

One user said that the local hockey team's loss Tuesday night was the cause.

"No that was the Bruins crashing and burning."

Another said it was a "baby whale," a reference to everyone's favorite Bostonian fisherman whose video went viral after he compared a large sunfish to a baby whale.

This Reddit user had the most complex theory regarding the myserious object in the sky:

"I believe it was actually swamp gas from a weather balloon trapped in a thermal pocket that reflected the light from Venus."

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