Donald Trump

Report: New Hampshire's Kelly Ayotte to Help Guide Trump's Supreme Court Nominee

She had a complicated relationship with the GOP presidential nominee during the 2016 campaign

Former Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire has been selected by President Donald Trump to help guide his Supreme Court pick through the confirmation process, according to a Washington Post report.

Ayotte, who called Trump a role model before later denouncing him, lost her re-election bid to Democrat Maggie Hassan in November.

During the campaign, she struggled with how to handle her party's presidential nominee. She originally said she supported Trump but wasn't endorsing him. Later, she said she "absolutely" considered Trump a role model but quickly took back those remarks.

A few days afterward, she rescinded her support altogether based on newly released 2005 recordings in which Trump bragged about using his fame to force himself on women. She wrote in vice presidential nominee Mike Pence's name, instead.

Ayotte's name was briefly mentioned as a possible Defense Secretary pick, but Trump told the New York Times he wasn't interested in giving her a job in his administration.

In her new role, the Washington Post said Ayotte would use her ties in the Senate to help Trump's nominee win confirmation.

New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley responded to the Washington Post's report with a brief, sarcastic remark.

"I absolutely support and endorse Kelly Ayotte getting to fulfill her wish of working for her role model Donald Trump," he said in a statement.

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