
Snow, Freezing Rain, and a Wintry Mix Creating Slick Conditions Throughout New England

Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy. Lows around 30. Wednesday: Clouds and sun with a few flurries. Temperatures falling through the 20s.

While far Southern and Eastern New England avoided any wintry impact with enough mild air moving in from the ocean for raindrops, interior communities have seen a delivery of snow and some mixed freezing rain, creating slick conditions.

Slowly but surely, the mild air will push inland, changing snow to rain through the Route 495 corridor and eventually all the way through Northern Worcester County by early afternoon Tuesday.

Farther north, it will take even longer for cold air to give way, and this will mean higher snowfall totals with snow falling heavily at times throughout the day and into the evening.

The Boston area, squarely in the milder air, sees scattered rain showers and temperatures climbing through the 40s, while the South Coast will reach the 50s by day’s end.

The wind shifts after midnight, and that’ll mean a flow of colder air for New England, dropping temperatures to around 30 for most, resulting in a freeze of roads in Central and Western New England (roads will already be snow-covered north).

Wondering what type of precipitation you're likely to see as a result of Tuesday's storm? Here's an early look.
Snowfall totals will vary greatly depending on where you live, with the heaviest accumulation in northern New Hampshire and Maine.
Here's a look at projected snowfall totals for Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Southern areas of New England are likely to see a wintry mix or rain instead of heavy snowfall.
Farmington Police
Here's an overall look at what New England can expect in terms of snowfall from Tuesday's storm. This shows snowfall totals through Thursday.
Here's a look at what the winds will look like on Tuesday morning.
Telemundo San Antonio
Here's the wind gust forecast for Tuesday afternoon.
Once the snow is finished falling, expect a blast of cold air later this week.

A shot of cold winter air will hold temperatures in the 20s Wednesday, with wind chills in the teens.

Even as the wind subsides a bit Thursday and Friday, the cold air will hold on.

At this point it appears the air will be sufficiently dry to keep the storm track to our south for one storm Thursday and another Friday night, though we’ll keep an eye on the South Coast and especially the Islands of Massachusetts.

Early next week, another storm comes calling with the air not quite as cold and dry. This should mean another storm with a rain/snow line we’ll be watching in our exclusive Early Warning Weather 10-day forecast.

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