
Weymouth Man Evacuated During California Fires

Curtis Linden, a Weymouth, Massachusetts-native, was forced from his Los Angeles home as the fires continued to spread.

With the wildfires continuing to burn out of control, thousands are being evacuated from their homes. That includes a Weymouth native who had moved out to California to pursue his dream.

Curtis Linden was forced from his Los Angeles home as the fires continued to spread. Linden took video of the fires that were burning just down the street from his home.

"So many emotions going on," said Linden.

Linden moved to Los Angeles from Weymouth about two years ago to grow his business called Major Look, a popular street wear brand that is inspired by 90's culture. He moved his entire business into his new home.... a home that was at risk of being gone.

"That's what puts knots in my stomach. This could be the end. We could just have to leave our dream behind," said Linden.

Linden's entire neighborhood was evacuated by police for safety reasons.

"It was just traveling so fast," said Linden.

Luckily, Linden's home remained untouched as the fire had moved elsewhere.

So far, these recent fires have burned more than 141,000 acres and forced more than 212,000 residents from their homes.

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