Broadside: Future of Mass. Health Connector

Executive Director Jean Yang discusses replacement of contractor for state’s health care website

(NECN) - In early February, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick vented his frustration with the troubled Massachusetts health care website.

The site has been plagued with problems and now ranks among the lowest in its usefulness in enrolling people under the Affordable Care Act.

Monday, six weeks after Gov. Patrick appointed a caretaker to oversee fixes, it was announced the state would replace the contractor in charge of the health connection website.

Massachusetts Health Connector Executive Director Jean Yang joins Jim Braude on Broadside to discuss the decision.

"It's a very big decision that we have to make," said Yang. "This is a complex project that affected many people in the Commonwealth. It's very important that we make sure that every step that we take, whether it's a correction or it's moving forward, it's the right step to take. So we had to do a lot of assessment to get to this step."

Yang assured that no one would go without health insurance.

"That's a promise," she said.

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