Broadside: Yahoo! CEO Rewriting Mom Track

Lauren Stiller Rikleen talks about the new normal and future for women, careers and motherhood

(NECN) - Marissa Mayer, a Google executive and mom-to-be, was just named the new CEO of Yahoo!, but does this mean a change for the so-called "mommy track"?

Lauren Stiller Rikleen, president of the Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership and executive-in-resident at the Boston College Center for Work & Family, joins Broadside to take a second look.

"The false narrative here is the focus on Marissa Mayer's pregnancy as the incoming CEO of Yahoo!, as though that is a particularly big deal under the circumstances," said Rikleen.

Rikleen argues that Mayer's status as a CEO means that she will not have to worry about what many women worry about when it comes to raising a family, including juggling schedules in order to do housework and cooking.

Watch the attached video for more.

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