DC Dialogue: Importance of Infrastructure Revenue

Mass. Rep. Michael Capuano talked about some of the key issues he is grappling with in Washington

(NECN) – Mass. Rep.  Michael Capuano talked about some of the key issues he is grappling with in Washington.

Congressman Capuano’s committees include transportation and financial services.

The panel talked about the importance of finding revenue to put into the infrastructure budget.

“All federal dollars coming in for highways goes through the highway trust fund and that is only generated through gas taxes. That’s where the money comes from,” Congressman Capuano explained. “If you want good infrastructure- if you want to expand the infrastructure we have or fix what we have, either one- we need more money.”

In addition, he discussed the benefits fixing the infrastructure would have on the economy long term.

Congressman Capuano also talked about free trade and fair trade.

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