Syria the Topic for Warren, Markey at Labor Day Breakfast

Massachusetts Senators back President Obama’s plan to seek congressional approval before any US airstrikes against Syria

(NECN: Julie Loncich, Boston) - Massachusetts Congressional delegation returned to Boston on this Labor Day for an annual breakfast, but having just returned from Washington, the crisis in Syria dominated discussion.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren believes President Obama made the right decision in seeking congressional approval before any possible strike. The Senator spent hours reviewing the evidence in a briefing Sunday and isn't convinced military action is the right course of action.

“Slowing down a little seems to make some sense here,” Warren said.

“What Assad has done is reprehensible but our job is to look out for the best interest of the United States,” she said. “It's a very complicated situation on the ground.”

NECN caught up with Sen. Warren and other members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation at the Greater Boston Labor Council Labor Day breakfast at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston.

More than 500 union leaders and politicians attended this year's event.

Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey was also briefed and also believes Congress should vote.

“I think it's important for us to have a discussion about what could happen, as a consequence, of a strike in Syria,” Markey said.

Massachusetts Congressman Mike Capuano went further, saying if he had to vote today, he would vote no.

It's a very difficult region,” Capuano said. “Al Qaeda is on the other side of the Asaad regime so if we try to undermine or take out the Assad regime are we helping Al Qaeda and if so does that really help?”

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