Broadside: Do ATMs Feed Losing Streaks?

Anti-gaming crusader Les Bernal looks at how ATM access can be used to feed a gambler's losing streak

Anti-gaming crusader Les Bernal looks at how ATM access can be used to feed a gambler’s losing streak

Are ATMs in casinos an invitation for trouble? ATM access in casinos is a topic of last-minute legislating as the year draws to a close on Beacon Hill.

You may not have heard of the company Global Cash Access, it owns ATMs installed in casinos across America. A promotional video touts the ability of Global Cash Access to use data gathered from ATM withdrawals to help casinos keep high-rolling customers coming back for more.

Anti-gaming crusader Les Bernal of Stop Predatory Gambling, joined Jim Braude for a look at how ATM access can be used to feed a gambler's losing streak.

State Senator Stephen Brewer was invited to comment on the purpose of a banking law amendment he filed that is being criticized by gaming opponents, but he didn't respond. 

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