January 10, 2014 4:02 am

Homily: Ted Kennedy has entered new dwelling of God

(NECN: Boston, Mass.) – Father Hession delivered the Homily at Senator Ted Kennedy’s funeral Mass in Boston. Hession is Senator and Mrs. Kennedy’s priest on Cape Cod and a close friend. Fr. Hession offered mass for Senator Kennedy nearly every Sunday this year. “To know him as a pastor, was to be introduced to the Kennedy family.” Fr. Hession said. “The Senator led the family. He was supported by it through a long and complex career, and he was sustained by your family as his life entered his final chapter.” Kennedy’s casket was carried into the basilica by eight servicemen. Fr. J Donald Monan, Chancellor of Boston College said, “We welcome the body of our friend.” Family and friends were joined by political figures in gathering around the 77-year-old senator’s flag-draped casket at the Kennedy presidential library for a brief prayer service before his body was to be brought in a motorcade to the church. The prayer is part of the ritual of a Roman Catholic burial and typically happens at a funeral home before the body is brought to a church for the funeral Mass. Inside the front leaf of the order of service is a quote from Senator Kennedy. “For all my years in public life, I have believed that America must sail towards the shores of liberty and justice for all. There is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future that we make.” Among the nearly 1,500 invitees were President Obama, former Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, as well as 58 current members of the Senate, and 21 former members. After the funeral, Kennedy’s casket will be transported to Washington D.C. A procession beginning at the U.S. Capitol Building will travel through the city to Arlington National Cemetery, where he will be buried next to his brothers, John and Robert. Information from the Associated Press are included in this report.

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