New Hampshire U.S. Senate Candidates Still Clashing Over Tuesday's Debate

Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Jeanne Shaheen were still battling over nuclear energy, outsourcing on Wednesday

Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Jeanne Shaheen were still battling over nuclear energy, outsourcing on Wednesday

Hundreds of audience members left the Concord Center for the Arts Tuesday night with a lot more information about the New Hampshire candidates for U.S. Senate.

After one of the most heated exchanges in the debate, when Republican challenger Scott Brown accused Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen of opposing nuclear energy, it didn't take long for state Republicans to send a press release accusing Shaheen of blatantly lying on stage, including a video from 1987 of her saying nuclear power was dangerous.

Wednesday, Shaheen clarified her current position on nuclear energy.

"When I was on the Energy Committee in the Senate, I voted for nuclear power," she said, adding, "If he wants to debate 30 years ago, I'm happy to talk about what he was doing then, I think he was modeling."

Meanwhile, Brown is taking criticism for spinning his answer when Shaheen asked him directly why he supports outsourcing jobs.

"When you're talking about outsourcing jobs, the only person on this stage who has voted and has actually done outsourcing of jobs is Sen. Shaheen," Brown said Tuesday night.

The Shaheen campaign is calling Brown the liar, claiming that he did, in fact, vote for legislation that would give tax breaks to companies that send jobs overseas.

Wednesday, Brown couldn't clarify that specific vote.

"She does not want to talk about her record, so she's going to distort a couple of votes that I and others took. I'll look at the bill and get back to you, but I don't even quite frankly know what she's talking about," he said.

Brown spend the day after the debate talking with employees at Wire Belt in Londonderry, touting his endorsements from the National Federation of Independent Businesses and the Chamber of Commerce, two groups he said gave Shaheen a failing grade.

"The only thing worse than voting 99 percent of the time with the president is voting 100 percent of the time against small business," he said.

"I voted for the Small Business Jobs Act," Shaheen countered. "Scott Brown voted against that legislation. I supported the American Jobs Act. I voted for it, Scott Brown voted against it."

The most recent poll puts Shaheen ahead by three points, but it shows that Brown has gained seven approval points since June. The candidates will face off in another debate on Thursday. 

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