NH Republicans React to Ted Cruz Announcement

Several prominent Republicans said they would support the Texas Senator's presidential bid

New Hampshire Republicans had mixed reaction to Ted Cruz's announcement on Monday that he will run for president. The Republican Senator from Texas became the first major candidate to officially announce a run.

"Yes, Ted Cruz is a man to be supported," said Ed Brooks. "He has what it takes to be a great President. He tells it like it is! He is honest and loves America! I would have no problem supporting him."

"Ted Cruz is a dynamic speaker and a very intelligent guy," added Republican blogger Stephen Poschmann. "He can speak extemporaneously and eloquently. (He) has the ability to relate to many reasonable people across the center-right of the political spectrum. However, a potential hurdle for him is his tendency to delve into red meat territory that his base and his fans love, but those outside the circle may find off-putting. The question about a Ted Cruz presidential bid is whether he will appear too impractical a candidate to garner mass appeal."

"I have not made a selection yet, but Ted Cruz is definitely on my short list," Republican activist Scott Ives said. "He is an outstanding person, with impeccable credentials and solid leadership skills. He has a remarkable personal story, and I think he will be an excellent candidate in the New Hampshire primary!"

Cruz has already made 7 trips to New Hampshire, including 16 total stops. Just last week, he spoke at "Politics & Eggs" at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, a staple for any presidential candidate. He's scheduled to return to the Granite State this weekend.

"Oh great, just what we need - another senator of two years with no executive experience," said Bob Washburn. "Hasn't Obama's disastrous 6 years proven never again for a lightweight?"

Former GOP State Sen. Ray White similarly cited Obama's meteoric rise when referencing Cruz's attempt to go from short-term senator to President.

"Is this the picture of the fugure nominating trends for both parties, where a relative unknown 'flavor of the month' newcomer takes precedence over the old guard?" he asked. 

White said right now, he isn't supporting Cruz or anyone else, but he will give the candidate a look because he is a conservative.

Former Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Rubens said he has no official opinion on Cruz now, but he said the candidate's push to eliminate the IRS just isn't possible.

Di Lothrop of Nashua said in an email that she's happy Cruz announced Monday.

"I am supporting Ted Cruz because I think he's a strong CONSERVATIVE leader.....a TRUE Conservative who tells it like it is. I like that he's not afraid to love God and he's for less government and PRO-FAMILY," she wrote.

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