Richard Tisei on Massachusetts 6th District Race: We Need More Than a Fresh Face

Richard Tisei faces political newcomer Seth Moulton, who upset incumbet John Tierney

Richard Tisei faces political newcomer Seth Moulton, who upset incumbent John Tierney.

In the Democratic primary on Tuesday, Iraq war veteran Seth Moulton defeated Democratic incumbent John Tierney after nine terms in Congress, changing the 2014 election for the Massachusetts 6th Congressional seat dramatically.

Republican candidate Richard Tisei fell just short of being the one to replace Tierney in 2012. This time, he will be on the ballot alongside Moulton.

Tisei began by remembering where he was on Sept. 11, 2001, on the 13th anniversary of the attacks. This prompted him to speak about President Obama's recent plan to take down ISIS overseas.

"I would disagree with Seth Moulton on this, but if the president comes out and says we need boots on the ground, I'm going to support the president because this isn't about a party thing. This is about the security of the country," Tisei said. "If you remember back to Sept. 11, they had a base in Afghanistan. They have this huge geographic territory, money, resources, and it's very dangerous for people here in this country."

Tisei continued by talking about why he's a good choice for the Congressional seat.

"It isn't just a fresh face that we need. We also need a new direction for the country," Tisei began. "In the primary, there was a lot of anti-Tierney vote and they went and they voted. Now, this is a great opportunity to evaluate both candidates and decide who's best to represent the district."

In addition, Tisei discussed his opinions on immigration and the Ray Rice scandal.

Tisei is a former Massachusetts State Senator from Wakefield. 

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