Romney Endorses Brown; Brown Says He'll Strive to Make NH Proud

The former presidential nominee endorses Senate hopeful Scott Brown

The former presidential nominee endorses Senate hopeful Scott Brown

Mitt Romney returned to the spot where he announced his 2012 bid for president of United States - Scamman Farm in Stratham, New Hampshire - to endorse Scott Brown in his bid for the U.S. Senate.

"We know him as an upright and capable man who we wish were president right now," Brown said about Romney.

Brown faces incumbent senator and former governor Jeanne Shaheen, a long time political fixture in New Hampshire who Republicans know will have to be tied closely to the less popular President Obama in order for Brown to win.

Citing a recent poll in his introductions, former Gov. John Sununu got the ball rolling, saying, "Obama was just voted across the country as the worst president United States has had since World War II."

Mitt Romney took over from there.

"She's not an independent thinker when it comes to her votes. She just goes along with what ever the president tells her to do. Washington is not a place where NH wants to play a game of 'Simon Says.' She's the Simon-Says-Senator. We don't need that. We need an independent senator," he said.

Romney said that although Obama is not on the ballot, a vote against Shaheen would be the voters way of rejecting the Obama agenda since Shaheen has voted with Obama 99 percent of the time.

"The Obama/Shaheen agenda ends right here, right now," Brown said.

The Brown camp hopes the Romney endorsement will help to rally Republicans around Brown in the primary because, according to their calculations, if they can get all the Republicans and just 50 percent of independents, they will win.

Longtime New Hampshire Republican political operative Tom Rath says "The first thing we have to do is hold our base, and if you look at her recent victories, they've all been with Republican votes. So we need those votes to stay home if we have any chance to win."

Democrats in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts have responded to the Romney endorsement.

"Scott Brown and mitt Romney are a couple of failed Massachusetts politicians who owns summer homes in New Hampshire and stand with Wall Street and big oil at the expense of working families," Massachusetts Democratic Party chair Tom McGee said.

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