Romney Rips Hassan, Endorses Havenstein for Governor

Former Massachusetts governor and 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has officially endorsed Walt Havenstein for NH governor

Former Massachusetts governor and 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has officially endorsed Republican Walt Havenstein for New Hampshire governor.

Havenstein faces primary opposition from Andrew Hemingway, who headed up Newt Gingrich's New Hampshire campaign in the 2012 presidential election. Romney didn't reference Hemingway in his endorsement of Havenstein, however, instead attacking Gov. Maggie Hassan, a Democrat.

"Maggie Hassan has been too busy thinking about running for U.S. Senate in 2016 to focus on the job at hand: fixing New Hampshire's economic stagnation," Romney said in a statement. "Walt Havenstein is exactly what New Hampshire needs right now... Walt has the know-how to put New Hampshire back on the map of the most competitive places in America to do business. I am proud to suport Walt for Governor."

The New Hampshire Democratic Party issued a statement Wednesday afternoon saying residents should be "worried" that Havenstein has been endorsed by Romney, "who helped pioneer the destructive model of shipping jobs overseas to pad corporate profits."

Romney, who owns a summer home in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, had previously endorsed Scott Brown for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire.

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