The Campaign Ad Wars in Mass. and NH

Campaign ads are all over TV and the web - and they're impossible to miss

Campaign ads are all over TV and the web – and they’re impossible to miss.

The advertisement wars have officially started ahead of November's election. They're appearing all over television and the Internet, and they're impossible to miss.

It didn't take long for the debate over super PACs to gain center stage.

John Carroll, assistant professor of communication at Boston University, joined Jim Braude on Broadside to discuss the recently released advertisements.

Carroll and Braude examined an advertisement released by Democratic candidate for Governor Steve Grossman, among many others.

Grossman's ad attacks Martha Coakley's thoughts on gun control.

"I think the content is essentially unfair," said Carroll of the advertisement.

Advertisements released by Charlie Baker, Karyn Polito, Don Berwick and Scott Brown are also discussed. 

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