Accumulation, Wind Maps for Saturday, October 29, 2011 Northeast Nor'easter


As our October nor'easter unfolds in the Northeast, expect a sharp rain/snow line for most of Saturday night that eventually collapses southeast to the coast Sunday morning with a wind-whipped snow.  Expect widespread outages in some areas due to collapsing tree limbs onto power lines.  Look for minor coastal flooding at the time of high tide Saturday afternoon and pre-dawn Sunday.  Expect wind gusts in excess of 60 mph from the northeast, then the north, Saturday night into Sunday morning on Cape Cod and over 45 mph along other shorelines.  The storm starts at the South Coast 11 AM Saturday as rain, reaches the Mass Pike around 2 PM, NH/MA/VT border by 5 PM, then north from there.

Accumulation image:

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Hour-by-Hour computer generated wind estimate:

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