Events All Weekend at World Trade Center Site

(NECN: Josh Brogadir) - As workers scramble to plant trees, lay sod, and and make final preparations for Sunday's 9/11 remembrance ceremonies, smaller events are happening everywhere in lower Manhattan this weekend.

This morning a hand-in-hand event was held at Battery Park at the tip of lower Manhattan and a short walk from the World Trade Center site.

An estimated 5,000 people are expected to hold hands in solidarity at the ceremony today for anyone, regardless of their connection to the of Sept. 11, 2001.

Meanwhile, security partitions are being installed near a stage where a memorial service is scheduled for Sunday to be attended by President Obama and other dignitaries.

The fountains where the twin towers once stood are operating, and at 30 feet tall they are believed to be the highest manmade waterfalls in North America.

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