
Here's Your Best Chance to Catch the ‘Unicorn Meteor Shower' in New England

There’s a quick chance to spot meteors zipping across the New England sky Thursday night.

Don’t blink though, this really is a brief window.

Your opportunity to spot the meteors in New England comes just before midnight, but it will only last for 15 to 45 minutes.

Clouds will also be increasing Thursday night, which may blot out the view. Your best chance of seeing any meteors would be in eastern New England, away from city lights.

Earth is passing through a debris field Thursday night, which is what will spark the meteor shower. The shower is known as the Alpha Monocerotids, and it looks like the "shooting stars" will emanate from a constellation known as "the unicorn."

That’s why some people refer to this as the Unicorn Meteor Shower for short.

In past years when Earth has passed through this same trail of debris, as many as 400 meteors per hour have been spotted. Those big years were 1925 and 1935, according to Sky and Telescope.

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