Police warn of coyotes attacking dogs in Westport, Conn.

Jillian Cooper / Getty Images

There have been several coyote attacks on dogs in Westport recently and police are offering tips on how to keep your pets safe.

Police said while there have been several attacks on dogs in town lately, fortunately, none were fatal.

Here are some things you can do to keep your pets safe.

  • Supervise all pets while they are outside in the yard.
    • Coyotes avoid conflicts with humans so a human presence should prevent problems.
    • A fenced enclosure can help prevent unexpected wildlife encounters. Deer fences help keep deer out, but coyotes and other animals can often slip underneath.
  • Motion lights can help alert homeowners to wild animals at night and could help deter coyotes.
  • Carry a powerful flashlight and be aware of your surroundings when you are out at night with your pet.
  • If you are walking with a small pet and see a coyote, you should pick the pet up.
    • Gradually retreat and keep your eyes on the coyote while also making noise.
  • Coyotes can be driven away using noise including a high-decibel whistle or airhorn. You can also throw objects like balls, sticks and rocks.

According to police, pets smaller than 30 pounds are at serious risk from coyotes, but sometimes coyotes tussle with larger pets.

It's also important to remember that coyotes can be active during the day or night.

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